Think about it!
Seriously, pause for a moment. Think about it.

It’s becoming a lost art. Or maybe it’s always been a lost art. But it doesn’t have to be lost.
The media mostly sings in unison, spoon-feeding their opinions, and people seem to have no problem believing them. Churches spoon-feed their messages, and we don’t go deeper in prayer and the Bible to see what God is really saying to each of us. Schools teach our children history with an agenda and social “science” with an even larger agenda, and many parents don’t even know it’s happening.
Colleges used to be about learning how to learn, learning how to research, learning how to think. Now all we hear is the woke agenda and the steep penalties for not complying with the popular notions of the day. And the popular notions get more crazy every year!
Rumors, gossip, the chatter of neighbors and acquaintances. The sworn testimony of family and friends. We eat it up without a second thought.
Maybe it’s time to pause and let the chatter fade into the background for awhile. Maybe it’s time to dig deeper, think harder, and understand what is really happening in our world. And why. And a how to respond better.
Maybe it’s time to do a little praying, a little digging, and thinking. Maybe we should be more willing to question what we’re hearing, why we’re hearing it, and what we should really do about it.
Maybe we should be less prepared to be offended and more prepared to respond with grace. Maybe we should be less willing to blindly follow the world and think about the bigger picture. Maybe there’s more to the story. Maybe what we’re hearing isn’t true after all.
Pause for a moment, take a break, and think about it. All of it. Reclaim the your mind, your heart, and your life for the greater purpose of serving our neighbors and loving each other.
Who knows, we might all end up a little better. Now there’s a thought!